Looking at Protestant Loyalist Life in Post-Conflict Belfast – The New York Times

Looking at Protestant Loyalist Life in Post-Conflict Belfast

Years after the Good Friday peace accords, Mariusz Smiejek took his camera on both sides of the walls that divide Protestants and Catholics in Belfast, gradually focusing on Protestant Loyalists.

Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/lens/protestant-life-post-conflict-belfast.html

Mariusz Smiejek’s first long-term photo story wasn’t exactly a simple one. Rather than play it safe, he dived into the lives of Protestant Loyalists in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where signs of the past Troubles lingered. They did so even after the Good Friday peace accords ushered in a new era 20 years ago between those who favored being part of the United Kingdom and those who were allied with the Republican cause for one Ireland.